Wednesday, March 6, 2013

7th & 8th grades Invention Convention

The 7th and 8th grade students have been working on projects that are part of the technology and inventions unit. Students were introduced to the world of inventions and how the  development of these inventions carry on to affect all parts of living—in both good and potentially , bad ways.

At the beginning of the unit students learned that inventions are created to solve problems or improve the way things are done. The revolutionary invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison was used as an example.

During the second part of the unit students focused on the process of inventing, particularly on what short, and long-term issues inventors have to consider before developing an invention. They examined a number of other revolutionary American and foreign inventions, then created posters about the inventors, their inventions and presented them to the class.

While students were taking part in this simple design project it gave them interesting opportunities to solve problems, use tools , measure things carefully, make practical estimations, calculate correctly, and communicate clearly. They were also given the opportunity to consider the effects that their inventions or projects might have (on?) others. They were asked to consider who their invention was intended for and who may benefit overall from their creation.

The students were all very excited for this project and many of them commented they enjoyed working on this project because it was their idea and they got to bring it to life. I am encouraged to see our students take control and show an interest in their learning. I noticed when given the right tools and guidelines they will not only reach their personal goals but exceed them. It was wonderful to watch their creations come to life and we are all looking forward to many more project-based learning opportunities in the future.

Finally after all the hard work the students will hold an “Invention Convention” to present their inventions to their class. During this convention half of the students will present one day and the other half the following day. The students will show case their work and read out loud their scientific report to a small group of peers. During this process the students who are listening to the presentations are evaluating the other groups’ work, everyone is fully engaged in the process and they will give and receive feedback not only from me but from their peers.

                                         The Invention Convention
Students Presenting and Listening
8th grade
Student Invention: The Gecko Glove

7th Grade
Student Invention: Tilt Chair

8th grade
Student Invention: Plus One
8th grade
Student Invention: Net Gear
8th grade
Student Invention : Window Washer

8th grade
Student Invention: Squishy Bumper
8th grade
Student Invention: Hero-SB (super bag)
7th grade
Student Invention: (inner) Boot Pocket

7th grade
Student Invention: Air Scooter

7th grade
Student Invention: Eye catcher
(jewelery holder)
 7th grade
Student Invention: Art Belt
8th grade
Student Invention: Oven 2000
(w/working sliding door)