Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jeffer's Journal Day: Activity Building a Nest

On this outing I decided we would focus on birds. We were talking about what birds we were seeing and the ones we no longer see in the late fall. We learned that birds are magnificent builders and their beaks are all unique for making different kinds of nest. Our objective for this activity was to build a nest out of natural materials we found in our school garden. We could only use the materials that were natural to the environment and  the nest must be able to hold 3 eggs (marbles) without falling through the nest. I have to say that my students were very creative and made some unique nest and most all of them were successful in the task. They all had a lot fun trying and testing new ideas. At the end of our activity we recorded information about our nest. We listed the materials we used, we recorded what we enjoyed most about the activity, was it hard to build a nest? and why? And we also discussed what we would do differently if we would try it again!
                                              Here are some examples of their work!

nest in a bush

A use of multiple materials

Solid foundation

Great engineering
                                                                 with a roof :)

another in a bush
recording our data (along with a drawing of their nest)

Team Work!

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